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Election campaign 2003Candidate condemns Leicester privatisations 5% of Braunstone vote for Socialist Alternative We got 125 votes for "Socialist Alternative" (the Socialist party election name) in the Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields ward on May 1st. 5% of the people who voted, voted for us. We recruited new members during the campaign, increased our links with local people and there are others who may join us. The turnout was 23%. More than a third of that was postal votes. It seems that the main parties concentrated on mail outs to the postal voters. However in the poorest areas of the ward, where we have the best support, the turnout was extremely low. We concentrated on knocking on doors, though had limited resources. We also had a lot of people who leafleted for us, including several non members. We leafleted the whole ward (6,000 houses) once, and about half the ward with a second one. We had 20 at our public meeting including a group of teaching assistants who were concerned about the possible closure of 2 primary schools on the estate. The following day we were petitioning parents and contacting the press. There may be an on-going campaign if the council don't give a categorical no to our question about closures. The national vote against Labour resulted locally in Labour losses to the Liberals, who are now the largest group on the council for the first time. This included Spinney Hill ward, previously with a huge Labour majority, where the Muslim protest vote against the war went to the Liberals. Interestingly the Green Party missed out on winning a seat in Castle ward only on the drawing of lots after a tied vote with Labour! We hadn't been able to do any work before the election campaign started because the amount of anti-war campaigning we were involved in. Despite our worries, the results of the campaign justified us standing. Thanks to everyone who helped in the campaign! Labour “obsessed with privatisation” says candidate The City Academy school planned in Leicester has been condemned by a local election candidate as “Yet another sell-off of public services” and hospital reorganisation described as resulting in “profits for fat cats.” Steve Score, Socialist Alternative candidate for the Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields ward said: “The City Academy planned by Leicester City Council is yet another example of a ‘sell-off’ of public services. It will be run by the Church of England along with private businesses and will take control of schools away from local people. It can control its own curriculum, scrap national pay and conditions for staff and could chose to become selective. It could, in the long run, threaten the resources of other schools in Leicester. We do need more local schools. I opposed the council’s closure of schools a few years ago including Wycliffe on Braunstone and Mary Linwood on Saffron Lane. But we need publicly run schools. “We have a double whammy in Leicester because the local hospitals are also in line for privatisation. The Private Finance initiative (PFI) plan will result in profits for fat cats but a worse service for Leicester people. Hospital buildings will be owned by private companies and the NHS will have to rent them in order to use them. “A study of PFI plans in Edinburgh shows that the cost of PFI – not least because money is diverted from care to profits – results in fewer beds and patients going untreated. The same will happen here. “Labour is obsessed with privatisation. We need to take a stand now in defence of our public services before they are all sold off” Information on the Edinburgh PFI report can be found at BBC news online Socialist Party election manifesto:Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields ward May 1st 2003 Vote Steve Score
Steve Score has been a socialist candidate on Braunstone a number of times before. He was involved in the Wycliffe Action Group campaign against school closures and has long campaigned on issues such as free education, and against council cuts. He was the leader of the anti poll tax campaign in Leicester. Defend public services
New Labour is continuing the old Tory policy of selling off all our public services, including plans to privatise the Post Office. In Leicester, hospitals buildings and many health workers jobs are also being privatised. “Private Finance Initiative” means that Leicester’s hospital buildings will be owned by private companies and the NHS will have to pay money to use them for years to come. Because these companies are in it for profit it will mean more cost for less service. Yet the crisis in our hospitals continues, with people left for hours on trolleys in corridors before being treated. New Labour are now extending these sell-offs to schools. In Leicester the city council are proposing a new school – the new “City Academy”, which will be privately owned, but funded by taxpayers’ money. It will not be democratic, can be selective about its pupils, can break national conditions of service for its staff and the owning company can decide its own curriculum! – We say lets have properly funded, publicly run and democratically controlled comprehensive education! We have already seen fire-fighters struggling, not only to get the pay they deserve, but also to oppose cuts in the service. Support the fire-fighters! Defend public services from government attacks. Housing – spend money on repairs Many new homes are being built in Leicester for the well off. But not enough low cost housing for working class people. Thousands are on the waiting list. The latest Labour government proposal is to raise council rents over the next few years. The level of housing association and council rent will be equalised, in Leicester housing association rents are 25% higher. This would leave many people in a “poverty trap”. If you try to get off benefits and into work you are faced with huge rent bills. No sell off of council housing – we oppose the government policy of privatising council housing. Instead they should put in the money needed to do repairs speedily and refurbish all council housing. Boost Education
Only a few years ago, despite massive opposition from local people the Labour council shut Wycliffe Community College. This destroyed a centre of the community and forced many school students to travel miles to school. The socialist party is proud of the role we played in the campaign to keep Wycliffe open. Unfortunately the council refused to listen to local people. Now, having spent £400,000 on just demolishing the building they now accept the arguments we raised for the need for local schools! But they only want a school on that site if students transfer to New College at GCSE age. If a school was to be built there it should be a school up to 16 years at least. It appears that now there may be moves to close Bendbow Rise and Crescent schools. This should NOT be done against the wishes of local people! Education needs proper funding with well trained and paid teachers!
Education should be free for all. Government proposals for £3,000 a year top up fees are a return to the days when only the wealthiest could go to university. Expand public transport Leicester is reportedly has the most traffic congestion any where in the country except London. Pollution resulting from this undoubtedly worsens people’s health and affects things like asthma. What we need is a vastly better public transport system. Yes a tram system, which has been raised as a possibility would be great. But we also need more bus services at much reduced prices. Publicly owned and well subsidised public transport would be a huge step forward. Money for services not war! So far, government spending on this war for oil is £3 billion and it could go higher. Yet they constantly claim to have no money when it comes to paying for the services, benefits and wages we need. Blair and Bush have lied about the real reasons for the war. After all it was US and British governments along with others in the west, who supported Saddam in the past with money AND weapons. All around the world they continue to support dictatorships equally vicious as Saddam’s. The US want a colonial occupation of Iraq. The Iraqi people will not be allowed to decide their own future. Whilst it is understandable if some Iraqis celebrate the downfall of a repressive dictator, the US does not have their real interests in mind. It is oil and economic and military domination over the world that Bush is really interested in. Which country will they attack next? End low pay and poverty Job losses, replacement of secure jobs by casual working and agencies, low pay and low benefits affect people in Leicester. Yet the fat cats make more money than ever. We campaign for the minimum wage being set at the level of the European decency threshold of £8 an hour. We also campaign for decent benefits you can live on. Future for young people Young people in particular are affected by low pay, agency working, not enough youth facilities. No wonder there is a danger that some can turn to hard drugs and crime. That’s why attention has to be made to providing those facilities. That’s why the minimum wage should be available at 16, and why the discrimination against young people should be dropped, and why every young person should have a real choice of a job on decent pay, real training or to stay on in education on a living grant. New Deal for communities? After years of cuts in the local area, the government initiated the “New Deal for Communities” scheme. Any cash from improvements is obviously welcome and much needed. But this money should have come in anyway. The Braunstone Community Association has been plagued by mis-management, huge management costs and difficulties. It appears at the moment that because the “accountable body” (Leicester Housing Association) which controls the spending is pulling out, it could lead to the collapse of the whole project and Braunstone losing the money. Replace council tax with a progressive local income tax – which instead of taxing poorer households more heavily than the rich, as council tax does – would tax the rich more heavily. Anyone earning under £10,000 a year would not pay any local income tax. Labour / Liberal/ Tories: They ARE all the same – A socialist alternative needed Labour does not represent working class people. Their record shows they behave just like the Tories and are a Big Business party. Lord Sainsbury’s latest £2.5m donation (£8.5m since 1999) to New Labour proves this. The Liberals may come out of this local election holding or sharing power. They have long “talked a good fight” But what is their record when they get power? In Sheffield, Liverpool and other cities where they won control of councils they acted the same as all the others and proceeded with cuts to local services.
People not profit! The rich are getting richer, and the rest poorer. The gap between rich and poor has never been greater. The top big businesses and financial institutions have the real power in this society – money talks! We believe the wealth could be utilised for the interests of people not profit if these companies were taken out of the hands of the rich and publicly owned and democratically controlled. A socialist society would allow democratic decisions on how society’s wealth was used. Yes we are asking you to vote for us. But on its own it isn’t enough to really change things. We need people like you to get involved in a movement to change society. Join us!! For more info or to join, ring us on 0116 223 0534 45 Hopyard Close, Leicester LE2 9GY stephen.score@ntlworld.com http://members.tripod.com/~sp_leicester/ |
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